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Master SQL for Data Science
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Database Basics
1 - What is a database (10:03)
2 - Install PG on Mac (7:24)
Troubleshoot Connection
2.5 - Install Postgres on Windows (7:22)
3 - Create And Insert Statements (21:57)
4 - Prepare the Database (14:18)
ASSIGNMENT 1: Create More Tables and Populate Data
SQL Query Basics
5 - Introduction to SELECT statement (18:12)
6 - Understanding the WHERE clause with ANDs and ORs (23:33)
7 - WHERE Clause and Operators Continued (14:55)
8 - WHERE Clause Exercises (11:35)
9 - Using ORDER BY with DISTINCT and LIMIT (11:54)
ASSIGNMENT 2: Practice Writing Basic Queries (5 Problems)
Using Functions
10 - Formatting Data using Functions and Boolean expressions (15:56)
11 - SUBSTRING and REPLACE (16:08)
12 - GROUPING functions (10:20)
ASSIGNMENT 3: Practice with Functions, Conditional Expressions and Concatenation
Grouping Data and Computing Aggregates
13 - Intro to GROUPING (6:28)
14 - GROUP BY Clause (17:22)
15 - GROUP BY Exercises (16:27)
ASSIGNMENT 4: Practice Aggregation Queries
Using Subqueries
16 - Table Aliasing (6:20)
17 - Subqueries in the FROM and WHERE clause (14:09)
18 - Subquery in SELECT Clause and Exercies (18:34)
19 - Subqueries using ANY and ALL with Exercises (19:40)
20 - More Subquery Exercises (15:29)
ASSIGNMENT 5: Practice with Subqueries
Using the CASE Clause in Interesting Ways
21 - Conditional Expressions CASE (20:53)
22 - CASE Statement Exercises (17:47)
ASSIGNMENT 6: Practice Using Case and Transposing Data
Advanced Query Techniques using Correlated Subqueries
23 - Understanding Correlated Subqueries (21:16)
24 - Correlated Subqueries Exercise (16:07)
Working with Multiple Tables
25 - Introduction to Joins (16:29)
26 - INNER and OUTER joins (25:43)
27 - UNION and UNION ALL (14:22)
28 - CROSS JOIN and Cartesian Product (7:04)
29 - More Query Exercises (17:27)
Creating Views vs. Inline Views (8:39)
ASSIGNMENT 7: ADVANCED Problems using Joins, Grouping and Subqueries
Window Functions for Analytics
30 - Window Functions and the OVER clause (18:32)
31 - Window Functions using ORDER BY (21:17)
RANK, FIRST_VALUE and NTILE Functions (12:00)
32 - LEAD and LAG Functions (7:42)
Working with Rollups and Cubes (11:41)
Challenging Puzzles For The Brave
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